1. What are whole numbers for Class 6?
In mathematics, whole numbers are a part of Real Numbers.
These numbers begin from 0 and go on up to infinity.
On the number line, they begin from the number 0 and move forward on the right side.
The set of whole numbers is an uncountable set.
2. What is meant by whole numbers for Class 6?
The basic counting numbers that begin from zero and go on up to infinity are known as whole numbers. These numbers are used in daily life, from nutrition labels to the numbers on a TV remote.
Whole numbers are denoted by the letter W and are a subset of Real numbers.
3. Which is the smallest whole number for Class 6?
Since the whole numbers begin from the number 0 on the number line, any number before the number 0 will not be a part of the set of whole numbers. This means that the number 0 is the smallest whole number, and the largest whole number is infinity.
The whole numbers set is 0, 1, 2, 3…infinity.
4. How many whole numbers are there?
There are infinite whole numbers. Counting all the whole numbers would be like counting the stars in the sky.
The set of whole numbers is an uncountable one. This means that there is no definite answer to how many whole numbers are there since the numbers go up to infinity.
5. Which is the smallest number?
While 0 is the smallest whole number and 1 is the smallest natural number, one can never say the smallest number on the number line.
This is because the number line’s assumed midpoint is zero, and the numbers (both negative and positive) go up to infinity.
Therefore, the smallest number on the number line would be an infinite number.
6. Which is the smallest whole number?
Whole numbers (denoted by the letter w) are a subset of Real Numbers and a superset of Natural numbers.
Whole numbers begin from the number 0 and go on up to infinity.
Thus making 0 the smallest whole number.