So far, we have learned about the refraction at a plane surface. Now we will discuss the refraction at a spherical surface between two transparent media.
a. Refraction at a Spherical Surface
Let’s look at what happens when refraction takes place on a spherical surface. When light travels from a rarer to a denser medium, it changes its direction and speed. The first medium has a refractive index n1 and the second medium has a refractive index n2. An object O is placed at a distance from the spherical surface and a ray of light from O is incident on the spherical mirror. The ray bends towards the normal if it’s moving from a rarer medium to a denser medium, forming an image.
The relation between the object and image distance in terms of the refractive index of the medium and the radius of the curved spherical surface’s curvature is given by: 
b. Refraction by a Lens
The image formation by a double convex lens consists two convex lenses placed in front of each other. The image is formed in two steps: the first refracting surface forms an image I1 of the object O, which in turn acts as a virtual object for the second surface. The second surface forms the final image I. The focal point F of a lens is the point at which an image of the object at infinity is formed. The distance between the surface and its focal point is called focal length f. A lens has two foci, F and F′, on its either side.
The lens maker’s formula is given by:
. This equation holds good for a concave lens as well, but R1 is negative and R2 is positive, making f negative. Thus, the equation is useful in designing lenses of required focal lengths.
c. Power of a Lens
The measure of how much a lens causes light to converge or diverge is called the power of a lens. A convex lens with short focal length bends the incident light more, converging it, while a concave lens with short focal length diverges the light. The power P of a lens is the tangent of the angle by which it converges or diverges a beam of light falling at a unit distant from the optical centre. The SI unit for power of a lens is dioptre (D): 1D = 1m–1. If a lens has focal length 1m, its power is 1 dioptre. A converging lens has a positive power value, while a diverging lens has a negative power value.
d. Combination of Thin Lenses in Contact
A thin lens is a transparent optical medium bound by two surfaces, at least one of which is spherical. Consider two thin lenses A and B with focal lengths f1 and f2, respectively, positioned in contact with each other. If the object is placed beyond the focus of the first lens A, the first lens produces a real image at I1, acting as a virtual object for the second lens B. Lens B produces the final image at I. The formation of image by the first lens is presumed only to determine the position of the final image. The direction of rays emerging from the first lens gets modified in accordance with the angle at which they strike the second lens. Since the lenses are thin, the optical centres of the lenses are assumed to be coincident. If several thin lenses of focal length f1, f2, f3,... are in contact, the effective focal length of their combination is given by:
and so on. The power is given by P = P1 + P2 + P3 + …. and so on.